【同义词辨析】 2018-10-22 工资wage-fee

wage: often used in the plural wages, applies to an amount paid usually on hourly basis and chiefly at weekly intervals especially for physical labor: dirty and difficult jobs should command a higher ~.

salary: applies to compensation at a fixed, often annual, rate that is paid in installments at regular intervals and suggests that the services performed require training or special ability: negotiated for a higher ~.

stipend: adds to salary the notion of a regular income such as a pension or scholarship paid without concurrently performed service: received a fellowship that included a small ~.   concurrent同时

pay: can replace any of the foregoing and is the one of these terms freely used in combination or as a modifier: waiting for the ~ day; lost his ~ envelop.

fee: applies to the price asked, usually in the form of a fixed charge, for a specific professional service: a pianist's fee for a concert.

wage工资: 常用复数,按小时计费周发放的钱,多用于体力劳动, salary工资: 固定以年计算分期发放的固定报酬,通常需要专业技能培训,stipend薪俸津贴: 诸如养老金助学金等固定收入,但不需为此工作,pay支付: 通用可替换其他各词,随意组成合成词或用作限定词,fee服务费: 专业服务收取的通常固定的价格。

记忆方法: 1)首字母WSSPF我时时盼发<==工资

        2)工资的意思是服务或劳动的价格mean the price paid for services or labor.